..the transmission space is an invisible network of waves and air pressure that captures, distorts, and reflects sound->Space and environment are active participants and influences->Sound wave fluctuations? The loop is a living echo->A technical chain, a transition into the living, a becoming alive with its own character through environmental influences, especially after repetition->signal gene-> The transmission space is a space of metamorphosis, where each repetition transforms the sound into a unique state->The transmission space is the silent witness of a relationship, the microphone, like a listener of time and presence, holds what the speaker whispers to it, only to reflect it back->Sound paradox, the microphone seeks to record what has already been recorded->Each playback cycle takes the sound further from its origin->Questions about identity and transience: Can a sound that reflects itself have the same identity?-> The dance of waves transforms, telling itself again, like an echo that becomes more blurred with each repetition->The loop is an image that paints over itself, becoming increasingly abstract->The space becomes the canvas and the medium->Alvin Lucier->sound erosion-> ongoing process->

sound and space experiments
      feedback   experiments

MNTG / feedback experiments  2021-2024_copyright Matthias Sanoll